Performance 3.5 – the lightest PVC teak on the market

Performance 3.5 – the lightest PVC teak on the market

The average weight of teak lining decks, treads, sunbaths and interior spaces of the boat ranges from about 5kg per square meter. sailboat it can be and what a load. The PlasDECK manufacturer of artificial PVC teakwood has therefore decided to develop artificial teakwood that will be far easier than this average for smaller boat owners to place on their vessels. This is a Performance 3.5 teak, which in composition is actually a classic PlasDECK liner, but of significantly reduced weight. With 3.5kg / m2, this is currently the lightest synthetic PVC teak on the market. Although facilitated, Performnce 3.5 retained all the necessary properties, patents and chemical characteristics that put PlasDECK at the very top of the teakwood supply.